On a Old FB post Myles Mcdougall Wrote a comment that Black People Don’t Want Education And Live in “Ghetto Culture”
CALGARY (Times Bureau) The UCP continues to have a real racism problem, as once again, their new candidate in Calgary-Fish Creek says Black Albertans don’t want education, don’t want to raise their children, and live in a “ghetto culture.” Myles McDougall, UCP candidate in Calgary-Fish Creek, shared these comments on Facebook with his comments about Black people. He explicitly states he is white in many posts. McDougall wrote, in a series of now-deleted comments on a FB post, while sharing a Candace Owens interview in September 2020, that “many disagree and argue that the Democratic narrative divides, disempowers the black community and avoids the most important problems, including criminality, particularly black on black crime, absent fathers, and a lack of interest and access to quality education.” This is not a new view from McDougall’s. Earlier in the summer of August 2020, he also wrote that he was “annoyed” by Black Lives Matter and claimed the real issue wasn’t Black people being shot by police, but rather “fatherless children, black-on-black crime and “ghetto culture.” He said, “The same issue avoidance is present in dealing with our First Nations in Canada.”And also, earlier that summer McDougall wrote that racism is “only a small part” of explaining racial disparities in our society. McDougall said, “Other important factors are cultural (e.g. the value placed on education, the incidence of two-parent families, drug abuse, geographic isolation, dependency and victimhood psychology etc.) These are extremely touchy, sensitive and complex issuesinterconnected with historical grievances and economic disparities.” Times of Asia Bureau, has previously asked UCP Leader Danielle Smith, about racism being a real issue in UCP, and existing questions about the vetting process of UCP. Danielle Smith assured us, she said “We do a very thorough vetting process of anyone who wants to be a candidate and anyone who wants to be appointed. And sometimes things get missed. And I’m glad to see that when people have intolerant views, that they have stepped forward and offered their resignation. And in those cases, I’ve accepted it because we can’t have any kind of tolerance for hateful or bigoted views.” Albertans must be aware of the racist views of the candidates before heading to the ballot boxes on May 29.
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