Nikki Haley On Pakistan: In an Op-ed for New York Post Nikki Haley said she “will cut every cent in foreign aid for countries that hate us.”
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said that if she gets elected to power in 2024, she would significantly change America’s foreign policy as the country “can’t be the world’s ATM.”
“A weak America pays the bad guys: Hundreds of millions to Pakistan, Iraq, and Zimbabwe last year alone. A strong America won’t be the world’s ATM,” the Indian-American Republican leader tweeted. Nikki Haley also slammed China in an interview with Fox news saying, “We can’t buy friends. China would notice that we have been paying attention. Why are we paying them money for the environment? It’s just ludicrous.”
“We should not be giving them 1 cent. The idea that we give it to Iraq and they use it for uranium proxies that send death to America… the idea that we give it to Zimbabwe and they are the most anti-American African country out there. We’re giving it to Cuba, and we label them as state-sponsored terror. Why are we doing that?,” she added.
Nikki Haley has previously served as the US ambassador to the United Nations and South Carolina governor. In an Op-ed for New York Post she said she “will cut every cent in foreign aid for countries that hate us. A strong America doesn’t pay off the bad guys. A proud America doesn’t waste our people’s hard-earned money. And the only leaders who deserve our trust are those who stand up to our enemies and stand beside our friends.”
Nikki Haley is the first Indian-American woman from the Republican Party to run for the US presidential elections.
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